Unveiling the Harsh Realities: Psychological and Medical Effects of Female Genital Mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting or female circumcision, is a harmful practice that involves the partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. Despite international efforts to eradicate FGM, it persists in many parts of the world, affecting millions of girls and women. Beyond the immediate physical consequences, FGM has profound psychological and medical effects that can have long-lasting implications on the health and well-being of those subjected to it. In this article, we delve into the psychological and medical ramifications of FGM, shedding light on a deeply entrenched issue that demands urgent attention.

Psychological Effects of Female Genital Mutilation:
The psychological impact of FGM can be devastating, causing profound trauma and emotional distress for those who undergo the procedure. The experience of FGM can lead to feelings of powerlessness, betrayal, and violation of bodily autonomy. Many women and girls who have undergone FGM struggle with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other psychological disorders as a result of the trauma inflicted upon them. Additionally, the stigma and shame associated with FGM can exacerbate feelings of isolation and low self-esteem, further hindering psychological well-being.

Furthermore, FGM can have long-term implications for sexual and reproductive health, affecting sexual function, pleasure, and satisfaction. Many women who have undergone FGM experience pain during sexual intercourse, as well as complications such as vaginal dryness, infections, and difficulty with childbirth. These physical consequences not only contribute to ongoing physical discomfort but also perpetuate feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy surrounding sexuality and womanhood.

Medical Effects of Female Genital Mutilation:
From a medical perspective, FGM poses significant risks to the health and well-being of those subjected to it. The immediate complications of FGM can include severe pain, bleeding, infection, and shock, particularly in cases where the procedure is performed under unhygienic conditions by untrained practitioners. In some instances, FGM can result in life-threatening complications such as hemorrhage, urinary problems, and even death.

Moreover, the long-term health consequences of FGM can persist throughout a woman’s life and manifest in various ways. Chronic pain, urinary tract infections, menstrual problems, and infertility are common among women who have undergone FGM, significantly impairing their quality of life and reproductive health. Additionally, FGM increases the risk of complications during childbirth, including prolonged labor, obstetric tears, and stillbirth, placing both mother and baby at heightened risk of morbidity and mortality.

Addressing the Impact of Female Genital Mutilation:
Efforts to address the psychological and medical effects of FGM must be multifaceted and comprehensive, encompassing education, advocacy, healthcare, and legal reform. It is essential to raise awareness about the harmful consequences of FGM and challenge deeply entrenched cultural norms and beliefs that perpetuate this practice. Providing support and counseling services for survivors of FGM is crucial in helping them heal from trauma and rebuild their lives. Additionally, access to quality healthcare services, including obstetric care and sexual health services, is essential for addressing the medical complications associated with FGM and promoting overall well-being.

Female genital mutilation is a human rights violation that inflicts physical, psychological, and medical harm upon millions of girls and women worldwide. The psychological trauma and medical consequences of FGM can have lifelong implications, perpetuating a cycle of suffering and inequality. It is incumbent upon governments, communities, healthcare professionals, and advocates to work together to eradicate FGM, protect the rights and dignity of women and girls, and promote gender equality and reproductive health for all. Only through concerted action and solidarity can we hope to end the scourge of FGM and create a world where every individual is free from harm and discrimination.

Credit by  Emmanuel Enaholo

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